A while ago I threw together this script to automatically create package files for all installed ports on a FreeBSD box. That way, if a portupgrade doesn't work out, you can delete the broken package, and pkg_add the backup.
Stick this in /usr/local/etc/periodic/daily, and the
system will automatically bundle up copies of the installed software
and stick them in /usr/local/packages if they don't already
exist in there.
#!/bin/sh## Make sure backups exist of all installed FreeBSD packages## 2005-03-20 Barry Pederson <bp@barryp.org>#ARCHIVE="/usr/local/packages"## Figure out which pkg_tools binaries to use#if[ -f /usr/local/sbin/pkg_info ]thenPKG_TOOLS="/usr/local/sbin"elsePKG_TOOLS="/usr/sbin"fi## Make sure backup directory exists#if[ ! -d $ARCHIVE]thenmkdir $ARCHIVEficd$ARCHIVEfor p in `${PKG_TOOLS}/pkg_info -E "*"`do if[ ! -f ${p}.tgz ]then${PKG_TOOLS}/pkg_create -b ${p}fidone
mod_python segfault on FreeBSD
I've been testing mod_python 3.2.x betas as
by the developers on their mailing list. Unfortunately there
seems to be some subtle memory-related but that only occurs on FreeBSD
(or at least FreeBSD the way I normally install it along with Apache and Python).
Did a lot of poking around the core with gdb and browsing of the mod_python
and Apache sourcecode, but never quite saw where the problem could be. Took another
approach and started stripping down the big mod_python testsuite, and found that the test
that was failing ran fine by itself, but when it ran after another test for handling
large file uploads - then it would crash.
So I suspect there's a problem in a whole different area of mod_python, that's screwing
something up in memory that doesn't trigger a segfault til later during the connectionhandler
test. My latest post
to the list covers some of that.