Automatically restarting Percona XtraDB cluster

I've been experimenting with Percona XtraDB cluster, and found that by default it requires manual intervention to restart the cluster from an all-nodes-down state when the nodes were gracefully shutdown. The docs talk about identifying which node has safe_to_bootstrap: 1 in it's /var/lib/mysql/grastate.dat file, and on that node starting the mysql@boostrap service instead of just plain mysql.

Looking at a file and acting on what's found seems like something that could be automated, so here's my take for an Ubuntu 22.04 setup:

On each node (yay Ansible!) I added this script as /usr/local/sbin/




# Start a different service if grastate.dat is present
# with safe_to_bootstrap: 1
if [ -f $GRASTATE ]; then
    if grep --quiet "^safe_to_bootstrap: 1" $GRASTATE; then

echo "Starting $service"
systemctl start $service

Then I added a one-shot systemd unit to execute at boot time, as /etc/systemd/system/choose-mysql-service.service

Description=Choose MySQL service



And the disabled the default mysql service and enabled my new unit with:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl disable mysql
systemctl enable choose-mysql-service

So now when the OS boots, instead of just blindly trying to start mysql, it looks at the grastate.dat and if it has safe_to_bootstrap: 1 it starts mysql@bootstrap instead - or otherwise falls back to the default of starting mysql

I also shared this on the Percona Forum, look for feedback there